Portfolio Accounts

High Net Worth

Based on a clear understanding of the risk tolerance and needs, FCA can help you build the ideal Investment Portfolio, utilizing tactical and strategic approach with worldwide asset classes. We proactively manage the risk in order to limit the exposure to any single name and any single sector. You will have exclusive access to participate in certain investment opportunities, such as pre-IPO securities, Real Estate and other Private Equity opportunities. Our HNW clients will have direct access to our investment specialist. To be eligible to open a HNW account, a minimum starting amount of 100,000 Ghana Cedis or its equivalent in foreign currency is required.

 GH¢ 100,000+ 
 Account Type 
 Non–retirement accounts
 Investment Strategy 
 Target portfolio strategy matched to your risk/return profile including opportunistic private equity deals
 Investment Holdings
  FCA Products/Funds
 Team of Representatives